Thursday, November 11, 2010


             In 2020 We Can Wear Sony Computers On Our Wrist 
Our present need for internet connectivity is so profound that secondary devices like the Nextep Computer are bound to happen. Developed to be worn as a bracelet, this computer concept is constructed out of a flexible OLED touchscreen. Earmarked for the year 2020, features like a holographic projector (for screen), pull-out extra keyboard panels and social networking compatibility, make the concept plausible. Ten years from now is not too far away, so how many of you think we’d be buying such gadgets? 

``` Fire Waterfall at Yosemite ``

                   "Where there is will there is way" This park was gazetted as a national park in 1890. It is world famous for its rugged terrain, waterfall and century-old pine trees. It covers 1200 sq km and the "fire" waterfall of El Capitan is one of the most spectacular of all scenery.
The spectacular view of the waterfall is created by the reflection of sunlight hitting the falling water at a specific angle. This rare sight can only be seen at a 2-week period towards the end of Feburary. To photograph this rare event, photographers would often have to wait and endure years of patience in order to capture them. The reason is because its appearance depend on a few natural phenomenons occuring at the same time and luck.
               1st, Is the formation of the waterfall - The water is formed by the melting of snow and ice at the top of the mountain. It melts between the month of December and January and by the end of February there might not have much snow left to melt.
              2nd, Is the specific angle of the sunray hitting the falling water - The sun's position must be exactly at a particular spot in the sky. This occur only in the month of February and at the short hours of dusk. If it is a day full of clouds or something blocking the sun, you can only take pictures of your own sorry faces on the waterfall. It coincides with the fact that the weather in the National Park at that time of the year is often volatile and unpredictable. It compounds to the difficulty of getting these pictures.
                              Someone did !!! And we all get to see it !!!
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Monday, November 8, 2010


.:: 10 Biggest Explosions in History ::..

Explosions are tricky to measure. For one, what’s the criteria? And most data on “blasts from the past” are speculation at best.

So consider this list “10 of the biggest explosions since the dawn of time,” measured by magnitude of the blast, loss of lives and impact on world history.

1. Atomic blasts over Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 6 and 9, 1945)

Ordered by U.S. President Harry S. Truman to force Japan into submission and prevent greater loss of life from an endless war, the devastating dropping of the “Little Boy” atomic bomb was the first use of a nuclear weapon in world history. The bomb contained 130 lbs. of uranium-235 and detonated at approx.

1,900 feet above the city with a force that equaled about 13 kilotons of TNT.

Scientists considered “Little Boy” to be inefficient, estimating that less than 2% of the bomb’s nuclear material actually fissioned in the blast, and yet its effect was devastating: the blast radius was about 1 mile across, killing approximately 140,000 (mostly civilians) almost instantly, with thousands more to die of radiation poisoning and other injuries in the weeks and years to come.

Three days after the Hiroshima blast, U.S. forces dropped the “Fat Man” atomic bomb over Nagasaki, prompting the Japanese to surrender on August 15. It would be the second, and to date, last use of a nuclear weapon in history, killing an estimated 80,000 Japanese.

2. Soviet Nuclear Test, Novaya Zemlya (October 1961)

In the years following the Hiroshima and Nagasaki blasts, the U.S. and Soviet Union began a Cold War campaign of nuclear one-upmanship that saw its single biggest explosion in a October 1961 Soviet-conducted test blast over the Arctic.

The detonation was caused by a 58-megaton bomb, 4,000 times more powerful than “Little Boy.”

3. MINOR SCALE, U.S. Defense Nuclear Agency, White Sands Missile Range (June 27, 1985)

The ironically named “MINOR SCALE” blast in the desert of New Mexico in 1985 consisted of up to 4,800 short tons of Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil (ANFO).

Considered by many to be the largest artificial, non-nuclear explosion in recorded history, the test simulated the effects of an 8-KT nuclear weapon in order to test possible responses of weapon systems and the blast’s effects on communications equipment, vehicles and buildings.

4. Krakatoa volcanic eruptions (August 26-27, 1883)

The Krakatoa eruptions of 1883 exploded with a force of approx. 200 megatons of TNT, or approximately 13,000 times the yield of the Hiroshima atomic blast, making it one of the most violent volcanic blasts in modern history.

The blast’s death toll was more than 36,400, and it’s believed to be the loudest sound ever observed, having been heard as far as 3,000 miles away.

The Krakatoa blast is also said to be the cause of the red sky in the famous painting “The Scream” by Edvard Munch.

The volcanic blast had spewed so much debris into the atmosphere that it caused deep red twilights visible in the skies over Europe (including Munch’s hometown in Norway) from November 1883 to February 1884.

5. The Halifax Cargo Ship Explosion, Nova Scotia, Canada (December 6, 1917)

A cargo ship from France carrying explosives for WWI was struck by another ship in Halifax Harbor.

The explosion hurled debris, caused fires and building collapses, killing 2,000 people and injuring 9,000 more.

The blast also caused a tsunami in the harbor, along with a pressure wave of air that devastated the shoreline and hurtled shards of the destroyed ship for many miles.

Explosion at Port Chicago (July 17, 1944)

Two ships loaded with more than 4,600 tons of explosives to be used in WWII collided at Port Chicago, 30 miles north of San Francisco.

This impact, coupled with an additional 400 tons of explosives sitting on adjacent railway cars, killed around 320 workers, damaged buildings, caused injury as far away as San Francisc, and caused tremors felt as far away as Nevada.

7. Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Disaster, U.S.S.R. (April 25, 1986)

The worst nuclear power plant disaster in history occurred April 25, 1986 in the U.S.S.R. region of Chernobyl.

Four inexperienced engineers conducted an electrical experiment on Chernobyl’s number 4 reactor, setting off a cataclysmic chain of events that caused the reactor to explode, blowing off its concrete and steel lid.

The blast sent more than 50 tons of radioactive material into the atmosphere, killed 32 people at the scene and led to an estimated 5,000 deaths from cancer and other radiation-caused illnesses in the following years.

The Yellowstone Caldera Eruption, Wyoming, USA (640,000 years ago)

Perhaps the largest explosion the Earth has known occurred approx. 640,000 years ago at the site of the Yellowstone Caldera in the northwest corner of Wyoming.

The blast was estimated to be about 2,500 times the magnitude of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption, affected an area of approx 34 miles by 45 miles, and spread a layer of ash over most of North America.

The area is now commonly referred to as the “Yellowstone supervolcano” referring to its potential for massive devastation that many scientists feel will re-occur some day in the distant (or not so distant) future.

9. Gamma Ray Burst, 12 billion light years from Earth (observed on Earth in 1998)

Scientists in 1998 observed an almost unfathomable burst of gamma ray energy 12 billion light years away from us.

They measured it to have released an amount of energy equaling all the estimated 10 billion trillion stars in the universe.

Its distance from our own galaxy prevented the blast from affecting us or our sun, yet the scale of the explosion has led astronomers to label it the biggest documented explosion in history.

10. The Big Bang, Birth of the Universe (13.7 billion years ago)

Though still the subject of debate in the scientific and theological communities, the “Big Bang” would have to be considered the largest explosion EVER.

The forces involved may not meet a strict definition of “explosion,” yet Georges Lemaitre’s Big Bang theory postulates that all the mass in the universe began as a condensed “primeval atom” that burst forth with such dense energy and high temperature and pressure to give birth to everything within the universe

. While initially discounted by his peers when Lemaitre introduced the concept in 1931, other related discoveries such as the cosmic microwave background radiation in 1964 helped solidify the Big Bang as the most well-reasoned theory on the origin of the cosmos.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


              Psychedelic Adventure       

              Crop circles are one of the most profound and mysterious phenomena of the modern age. Are they a communication from extra-terrestrials? Evidence of other dimensions or a catalyst to advancing our way of thinking?
Governments have discussed them and then sought to confuse and misinform the populace through their control and manipulation of the popular media.
The military have endangered life and safety in order to investigate and monitor crop formations, yet they deny involvement.
Hollywood has sought to manipulate the truth and credibility of scientific evidence and facts, yet film goers become ever more intrigued.
Hoaxers have sought to deceive, confuse and muddy research waters, in the same way that computer virus writers seek attention and attempt to contaminate data.
Some crop circles are hoaxed. Some are not. We research those that are not!
This strives to shatter orthodox scientific arrogance, inform and educate the public, present scientific evidence and confirm that humanity is on the brink of amazing discovery and awareness. We do not seek to impose views or opinions but endeavour to share impartial and scientifically researched findings and theories in order to inspire people to carry out their own investigations and continue uncovering what 'the powers that be' would prefer lay hidden.
We have a huge archive of research articles, indexed into category or research area. 
                  For over a decade Crop Circle Secrets has led the way in helping the public make an informed decision on the true origin of crop circles. Its factual research provides an antidote to deliberate falsification of the genuine phenomenon by skeptics, hoaxers and their allies in the media.

Crop circles are scientifically proven to be manifestations of energy under intelligent guidance. Over 80 eyewitnesses describe them to be made by tubes of light in less than fifteen seconds. The evidence for crop circles as a genuine phenomenon is found in Freddy Silva's book Secrets In The Fields and throughout this site.

Contrary to popular perception, crop circles are not a modern phenomenon. They were witnessed by policemen and farmers as far back as 1890, they exist in the folklore of South Africa and China, and are mentioned in 17th Century academic texts. Around 1980 they re-appeared as simple circles and rings in southern England, where 75% of designs are reported. By the late 1980s they developed into pictograms, not unlike the petroglyphs found at sacred sites. After 1990 the designs developed exponentially in complexity, and today the crop circles display as fractals and elements expressing fourth dimensional processes in quantum physics.

To quell the public’s growing interest in crop circles, the British Secret Service MI5 presented two individuals named Doug and Dave to the media, via a fictitious press agency, as the makers of all crop circles. The majority of their claims were later proved to have been fabricated but never reported in the media. So, what exactly lies behind real crop circles?

In genuine formations the stems are not broken but bent and swirled; they are subjected to a short and intense burst of heat that softens the stems to hover just above the ground, where they re-harden without damage. Research suggests that infrasound is producing such an effect. It has also been scientifically proven that soil samples taken from within crop circles show changes in its crystalline structure and mineral composition. Expert analysis concludes that heat of 1500ÂșC would create such a change. These are hardly the kind of anomalies created by pranksters with planks!

Crop circles also show evidence of ultrasound, and such frequencies are known to exist at ancient sacred sites such as stone circles and pyramids. And like all temples, crop circles appear at the intersecting points of the Earth's magnetic pathways of energy. Consequently, it is not unusual for people to experience heightened states of awareness and healings in crop circles – a situation also common to sacred sites and ancient temples. Biophysical evidence shows the plants' seed embryos are altered, and the liquid in the stems has been heated from the inside. In genuine crop circles there is also a reorganization of the plant's crystalline structure. Other evidence from crop circles shows how the floors of laid plants are swirled in mathematical proportions relative to the Golden Ratio – the vortex used by nature to create organisms. Mathematically, genuine crop circles have yielded five new geometric theorems based on Euclidian geometry. They are also encoded with sacred geometry – those harmonic ratios that govern the relationship between the orbits of planets. Crop circles alter the local electromagnetic field; affecting the proper function of compasses, cameras and cellular phones; the frequencies are also known to affect aircraft equipment.


   The 2002 Chilbolton Crop Circle 
ET Face and Disk Message Appeared in wheat on August 15, 2002 Crabwood, Hampshire UK The crop circle disk had a binary code message, the message was decoded exactly as it appears here:

           In the same year 2002, in the Tibetan Himalayas 24 Ancient Crystal Skulls - 16 human size and 8 small Crystal Skulls and 3 large Disks were found. The disks look like CD’s and were said to be made of cobalt  and other metallic substances and look similar to the crop circle disk of 2002 with etchings much like the binary code.These Himalayan crystal skulls were found buried in caves. I believe these to be  from the time of Atlantis & connected to the Blue-White Star Sirius and other Star systems.

          The crop circle disk decoded above and the crop circle ET face of 2002 I believe to be connected to the Himalayan Crystal Skulls and disks. I believe this is confirmation and one of the signs of our time, that other extra-terrestial beings are trying to communicate with us and hope to assist us at this most critical time of our Earths’ evolution. The message to humanity is that if we don’t Wake Up, live with respect and integrity, love and unity, our beautiful Earth & humanity may be annihalated as it was in Atlantean times.

Every summer, in the south of England, grand and mysterious works of art silently appear in the crop fields.
This magnificent crop circle was formed right in the heart of crop circle country, next to Silbury Hill in the county of Wiltshire, England.
Measuring hundreds of feet in diameter, it employs symbols from the Mayan calendar to predict that the Mayan Fourth Sun era will end in the year 2012. It actually makes the same prediction in two different ways, so that there is no doubt as to the intention of this message.

According to the Mayan calendar, a new era of human consciousness will dawn in late 2012. To paraphrase astronaut Neil Armstrong, the shift of consciousness in the year 2012 is likely to be, "One small step for each human, one giant leap for mankind." Future generations will undoubtedly look back upon the pivotal year of 2012 as a turning point in the development of human consciousness.
A variation on the healing symbol of the caduceus can be seen in the above photograph on the left. Today, this famous Hermetic symbol is associated with medicine or healing. As a Hermetic symbol, it traditionally represented Hermes or Mercury. Mercury was the symbol of communications, while Hermes represented ancient wisdom and secret knowledge.

The white horse at Milk Hill can be seen behind the crop circles in these photographs. It was carved into the chalk undersoil 200 years ago and measures more than 200 feet in length. The 'tram lines' in the crops are access lines made by farm equipment.

The question is, who makes these grand works of art? Nobody seems to know for sure. They appear mysteriously, often just before dawn. Eye witnesses have reported globes of light 'dancing' above the fields as they make their patterns by swirling and flattening precise sections of crops.

Crop circles are not a new phenomenon. They have been documented as far back as the year 1678. In recent years, however, they have multiplied enormously. Since the early 1990s, observers have logged over 10,000 crop circles.

Each crop circle is typically huge, often several hundred feet in diameter. One even measured 800 feet (240 m) in diameter. Their design is often artistically brilliant.

And yet, they are not just art. They portray symbols of great mystical significance. Some of them are more obvious, like representations of the ancient Mayan calendar of time, or the human chakra system in the above photograph. The popular system of seven chakras is shown as (left to right) the root, sex, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras. The symbolism of the crown chakra is easy to see, as are the third eye and heart chakras. Also, the root chakra symbol on the far left represents the fact that the root chakra powers the rest of the chakras with activated life energy.

Some crop circles have depicted formations such as galaxies, ancient Sanskrit letters, DNA-like double-helixes, asteroid belts, spiral nebulae and eclipses. Other crop formations are not so obvious to the left-sided, logical part of the brain, and yet hold tremendous right-brain symbolism relating to the shift of human consciousness. These symbols remind the inner consciousness of what it once knew but had forgotten. They are wake-up calls to a humanity in transformation.

Whoever is sending us messages through such transformational imagery is obviously helping us through a critical juncture in human history. Whoever they are, and however they form these beautiful crop circles so delicately and so quietly, I just call them, our "Friends in the Fields."